Sometimes friends raise the question whether we would spend the entire weekend in front of our computers. Well, that is an interesting question. But a good friend did ask a more specific question: How many leisure times is left for you after writing blog posts and running your management portals? I think that this question identifies a typical misunderstanding when someone combines his or her professional interest with his or her favorite pastime (hobby). From an outside perspective it looks like an additional job…but indeed it is the optimal combination. We like strategy and management related issues (in this case I would say that it is more a commitment to strategy and management which drives Dagmar and me) and hence we do not make a distinction between hobby and running a management related website. Writing a blog post is a “regular part” of my leisure time and I would not see it as a “non leisure time” activity. Someone has taking photos and picture editing as hobby – and when he writes an article about his approach to improve pictures in Photoshop he would perceive this writing as part of his leisure time. I hope that you understand where I am coming from? So the only difference is that taking pictures is not my major hobby.
But, don’t worry – we do not spend all time in front of your PC monitors. Last weekend we had excellent weather conditions in Germany. It was a very warm and a sunny weekend; hence we decided to start the barbecue season 2008! To proof my statement I have added a picture – so watch yourself.