The blog is a blog about strategic management, strategic planning, strategy and related issues. We write about our ideas and opinions in these fields and offer the option to comment and to discuss those ideas. exists since October 2006. It is a project of Recklies Management Project in Ruesselsheim (Germany), a consulting and training company with an expertise in strategy and strategic planning. The people behind are Dagmar Recklies and Oliver Recklies (links to their bios on is named after our African Grey Parrot Eddie. Parrots are very intelligent and have their specific view of the world. So we liked the idea of borrowing his name for our blog with out specific view of the world of strategy.
Read more about Eddie.
Managementportals. We also operate two management portals
– Food for thought and relevant information in the field of strategy and management - – German language
Let us know what we can do better.
Thank you!
Dagmar and Oliver
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