
– Thoughts on Strategy and Management

Customers – Your best personal Innovators

Recently I took part in a quite interesting discussion concerning innovation. The discussion focused on the generation of innovative ideas by using collaboration tools and web 2.0 / social media approaches. There were a number of interesting aspects, i.e. which stakeholder segment would generate the best ideas for an organization. The answer to this particular issue was quote simple: Your customer is your company’s biggest innovator. So, let us have a brief view on current research data:

(Note: The study allowed multiple answers; hence the sum is larger than 100 %. Source: Grant Thornton)

All data and more information can be found in the International Innovation Report 2009 by Grant Thornton.

Considering this data, I would recommend to create a new type of innovation strategy: Instead of “Research and develop you should focus on Connect and develop“.

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