
– Thoughts on Strategy and Management

Resarch Data – Global Financial Employment Monitor

Despite the poor economic situation many finance departments seem to be afraid that their key players could switch to a competitor. More than half of HR managers and finance department heads in the world see the risk to lose their best people. Also in Germany companies are afraid of losing finance specialists. That is one outcome of a new study.

ROBERT HALF INTERNATIONAL (RHI) is a global organization that is specialized in consulting and staffing services; its network includes more than 400 locations worldwide. It announced its new “Global Financial Employment Monitor 2008 – 2009” that informs about current trends in hiring finance specialists. The report summarizes three major findings:

  • Talent shortage: 56% of participants reported problems finding skilled staff, unchanged from the 2007 report.
  • Staff retention: 58 % of participants are concerned or are very concerned about retaining top performers. In 2007 only 43 % were concerned.
  • Flexible staffing: 31 % of participants “currently employing interim professionals reported increasing their use in the last three years.”

The research summary can be found as pdf-file on this site.

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